Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick; reading different and switching up genres

Typically I read a lot of fantasy, modern (read: urban) and low-magic, but I also love a good historical fiction or horror novel. As not picky as I am about music, I tend to be pretty particular about the stuff I read. But lately, I've been a little tired of fiction, finding it difficult to get through the ends of books if it slows down even a little. I talked a little bit about it when I talked about reading Mamrie's book. But since then I've picked up a few other memoir/non-fiction/celebrity kind of books to read. They tend to be a little short reads, but since they're typically set up in short chapters/stories as well it feels like they're faster too.

I finished Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick today. Memoir isn't really the right word but it's sort of a collection of her stories of getting into show business and the business of being a sort of an anxiety-ridden misanthrope. I'm a fan of her work both musicals and movies, I even saw Camp, which is ... recommended only if you're a fan of musicals and can stomach a poor teen comedy.

Anyway, I enjoyed her stories and honestly, it was just kind of nice to be grounded in stories about places and things that are recognizeable. It's less work for my stressed brain. It might be one of the reasons I'm enjoying podcasts that are less about adventures and fantasy as well. As much fun as escapist fantasy can be, personally I think it requires more thought on my part that I'm not in the mood for lately. Especially on busy or stressful days.

I don't know if anyone else is like this too. I doesn't happen to me very often at all but this is lingering a little. Next up, I picked up I Know I Am, But What Are You? by Samantha Bee.


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