Music: Tired as Fuck by The Staves

This video is about a year old now but boy is it pretty much a great description for having a chronic illness. I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for about fifteen years now and while I have daily meds that (thankfully) haven't changed much since I first started with my rheumatologist like a decade ago. The only think that really ebbs and flows regardless of pain is my energy levels. People tend to take a lot out of me, because I tend towards extrovert when I'm around people. Recovering can take a day or two and that depends on how many spoons I have on any given day. When you couple that with your just garden variety insomnia (which I've battled since I was a kid -- I get it from my father and his father, we're just night owls, period), getting restful, recuperative rest is pretty much not a thing that happens.

I feel like this song is pretty much my go to anthem for those days. Like, long Mondays with a lot of work on the table and not enough hours of sleep after a long weekend full of people. I also really enjoy the video (as seen below) because it's obviously not trying to be more than it is. A bunch of badass ladies who are just... tired. A thing I can seriously relate to.

Ps. If you're not familiar with The Staves and you like that kind of indie, folk-rock vibe, I highly recommend them. They don't post often on YouTube, but their videos are usually pretty bare bones (which I like) and while they don't have an extensive discography, it's really, really good.



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